Ecologists are anxious: glaciers disappear in Alps

Due to the temperature increase by 2100, the Alps glaciers will almost disappear, reports Reuters.

A fever provokes the melting of glaciers in the Alps. As ecologists say, they are on the way to the largest loss of mass over the past 60 years.

Winter last year was scarce for precipitation. In addition, the Alps survived two waves of heat. In one of them, the temperature in the Swiss mountainous village of Cermatt reached 30 degrees Celsius. At this time, the level of melt water increased to 5 184 meters, instead of a normal level of 3,000-3,500 meters.

“It is quite obvious that this is an extreme season,” scientists said.

Glaciers in European Alps are especially vulnerable, since they are small in size and have a thin ice cover.

At the same time, the temperature in the Alps warms up about 0.3 degrees Celsius in a decade – twice as fast as the average in the world. If this continues, by the end of the century, the Alps glaciers will lose more than 80% of their current mass.