Emine Erdogan Met In New York With Daughter Of Fighter For Justice Of Malcolm Iks

The first lady of Turkey Emine Erdogan, as part of a visit to the United States on the occasion of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, adopted in New York Ilyas Shabazz, the daughter of one of the symbols of the fight against racism in the United States Malcolm Ixa (El Haji Malik Esh-Shabaz) .

According to sources in the administration of the Turkish president, the meeting was held in the “Turkish house” in New York.

The first lady of Turkey was reported by Shabazz, who participated in all her programs, that her father’s struggle for freedom, equality and justice inspired to combat injustice throughout the world.

SRC://wwww.aa.com.tr/en/uploads/d8a8c788-b9c6-4967-65A10Cececececent .jpg

The meeting also said that the struggle of Malcolm Ixes has a resemblance to the activities of a Turkish writer and activist Shule Jukesel Shenler, who fought for human rights and justice in Turkey. In addition, joint work was discussed regarding the fund created to preserve the name Shenler.

“We met in the” Turkish House “with Ilyasa Shabaz, the dear daughter of Malcolm Ix, a symbol of the fight against racism in American history. We discussed the work of the” memorial and educational center of Malcolm and Dr. Betty Shabaz “. We exchanged ideas about the general directions of cooperation Center with the Schule Yuksel Schenler Foundation, ”wrote the first lady of Turkey following the results of a meeting on the social network.

Emine Erdgan expressed the hope that such personalities as Malcolm X and Shule Yuksel Shenler “will continue to direct young people around the world.”