Emine Erdogan met with assistant to President of Azerbaijan

The wife of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Emine Erdogan, in the Vakhdettin mansion, met with the assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Executive Director of the Heydar Aliyeva Foundation Anar Alekperov.

During the meeting, Alekperov provided information on the preparation of the 29th conference of the parties to change the climate, which will be held in Baku this year. The parties also discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the environmental activities of Emine Erdogan in the UN and Turkey and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Anar Alekperov expressed readiness during the leading summit on November 11-12 to hold joint events with Turkey.

Emine Erdogan congratulated Azerbaijan on the COP summit, adding that Turkey will do everything possible to support a fraternal country.

After the meeting, Emine Erdogan shared the following statements on her page on social networks:

“In Istanbul, we met with the assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, Executive Director of the Fund, Heydar Aliyev Anar Alekperov. I was informed about the work of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and preparations for the 29th conference of the parties to change the UN climate, which will be held in Baku. We appreciated the spheres of our cooperation in connection with the summit.

In the continuation of its publication, Emine Erdogan noted: “Türkiye always supports our fraternal country Azerbaijan.”