Emirates: Minister of Finance and Brother’s brother of Dubai died

In the United Arab Emirates Minister of Finance, died Dubai Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum – the elder brother of the current ruler of the Emirate of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Emir reported on Twitter.

“We all belong to God and we will return everything to him. May God be merciful to you, my brother, my support, my friend,” says in a message that quotes RBC.

Hamdan al Maktumu was 75 years old. He headed Dubai’s Ministry of Finance since 1971, from the moment the first office of the United Arab Emirates was formed.

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون … رحمك الله يا أخي وسندي ورفيق دربي .. وأحسن مثواك .. وضعت رحالك عند رب كريم رحيم عظيم .. pic.twitter.com/xAw3rXIwoj

– HH Sheikh Mohammed (@ HHSHKMOHD) March 24, 2021