Employees of Akkui NPP took part in Akkui NPP project – clean “

At the Akkhoy NPP construction site, the final of the Akkuy NPC environmental project was held – clean, dedicated to the Environment week. This is stated in the message of Akkuyu Nükleer aş.

regular garbage harvesting in the territory of the first nuclear power plant in Turkey became an important part of the project. They allowed them to create order on the construction site. The cleanest areas on the territory of the storage of the exhaust fuel and desalting installation are the most clean areas. In the final of the project, 60 employees were awarded useful souvenirs for maintaining cleanliness and order at workplaces.

The Akkoy – Pure project started in September 2023 with the aim of harmonious neighborhood of nature and man.

, as part of the project, at the offices of Akkui Nuclear JSC and corporate buses, leaflets and booklets are placed to increase environmental awareness of employees. At the construction site, stands with environmental information and bright branded garbage tanks “Akkoy – clean” are installed, which attract attention and urge to monitor cleanliness. Employees of the company also take part in environmental actions in the area of ​​the Kum Mahalesi beach, thus maintaining cleanliness in the environmental zone – the place of geneship of a rare type of sea turtles – Karetta – Karetta (Loggerhead).

“Environmental purity depends on each of us. The Akkhoy NPP project team contributes to the preservation of the future. Our environmental actions help each construction participant be aware of their responsibility for the purity of the territory of one of the largest atomic construction projects of the world. The final of the environmental project “Akkoy” is an important stage in our regular work on the protection of the environment and sustainable development, I set the task of organizing these events today. In our initiatives, I thank everyone who took part in this work and I really hope that the employees of the Akkhoy nuclear power plant under construction, all members of their families will always be careful about cleanliness, maintaining a natural heritage, ”said Akkui General Director Nuclear “Anastasia Zoteeva.