Erdogan: Ministry of Internal Affairs is investigating causes of simultaneous forest fire emergence

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs investigates the reasons for the simultaneous emergence of forest fires in various provinces of the country. In a conversation with journalists, the Turkish leader called for a refusal of speculation on fires.

“The investigation of these events that arose simultaneously in different places continues. Intelligence operates, police. The results will be announced. We have been announced. We are in full-length fires with four-five aircraft, 45 helicopters. There are aircraft from the Russian Federation, Ukraine, one more will be shipped from Azerbaijan” – Quotes Erdogan RIA Novosti.

According to the Turkish leader, now the situation with steaming fires “is developing in a positive way, 57 fires are taken under control.”

“I urge to wait for the results of the investigation. Members of the government are currently on the ground. All resources are aimed at localization and extinguishing forest fires,” said Erdogan.

As one of the reasons for forest fires, a sabotage is also considered as part of the investigation, the head of the Turkish state was added.

Erdogan noted that the most effective tool in the fight against fires remain amphibian aircraft.

According to the president, the chaverseers can count on the support of the state: “None of the damage of citizens will remain aside from the compensation payment process.”

Forest fire began on Wednesday near the resort town of Manavgat in Antalya Province in the south of Turkey. Then, on Thursday, the fires broke out in a number of other provinces, including resort Aydin and Mugla. According to the Department of Emergency Situations of Turkey, the number of victims of fires reached four, 183 people were injured.

Earlier, Erdogan stated that the state mobilized all possible forces to fight forest fires. According to the administration of the President of Turkey, more than 1.1 thousand units of equipment are involved in steaming fires.