Erdogan: “This year, fraternal Azerbaijan celebrates Day of Republic with a sense of pride”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday sent to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev Congratulatory letter on the occasion of the National Holiday – Day of the Republic, AzerTaj report.

“Mr. President, dear brother.

On behalf of my people and from ourselves I cordially congratulate your Excellency and the entire Azerbaijani people with the Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This year, fraternal Azerbaijan celebrates the Day of the Republic with a sense of pride in connection with a fair victory conquered in the Patriotic War. Turkey with great joy shares this happiness of Azerbaijan, “whose sadness considers his sadness.”

I am very glad that we have a single will to strengthen our strategic ties that are at the perfect level, in the spirit of the proclaimed slogan “one nation, two states”. I am confident that our fraternity and cooperation are the largest guarantor of peace, stability and well-being in our region.

Taking this opportunity, I wish your Excellency of health and happiness, express the best wishes of the excellent future and permanent well-being to the friendly and fraternal Azerbaijani people, “says congratulations.