Erdogan: Türkiye is satisfied with level of development of cooperation with United States

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara was satisfied with the level of development of cooperation with the United States.

The Turkish leader said this, speaking at the 13th annual Concordia summit in New York.

According to him, during negotiations with US President Joe Bayden, most dead ends were overcome, it was decided to expand contacts.

Erdogan said that Ankara and Washington intend to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

The head of state also emphasized that at the moment a window of opportunities for reviving relations between Turkey and the EU has opened.

The Turkish President also touched the topic of fighting terrorism in the region.

“Each event in the region once again proves how erroneous attempts to put distinctions between terrorists are, to divide them into” good “and” bad “. There can be no negotiations, friendship or cooperation with terrorists,” he said.

Erdogan emphasized that Turkey has advocated the safe and voluntary return of the Syrian refugees to their native territories. “In Syria, the construction of permanent housing for refugees continues. After completion, the construction of those who returned to Syria will increase from 600 thousand to 1 million people,” he said.

Speaking about the project of “Development Roads” Turkey-Iraq, Erdogan said this initiative “will become the opportunity to build a new world.”

According to him, the Gulf countries, as well as Turkey, are decisive in the implementation of this project.

The Turkish leader also noted that despite the hidden and open embargo, Turkey has turned into a global player in the defense industry.

He recalled that in the first half of 2023, the export of the Turkish defense industry reached $ 2.4 billion.