Error of journalists worth in “reputation of Bactroiten”

Early in the morning of August 25, journalists made a sensational news that Baku Metropolitan CJSC announced the winner of the tender for the installation of windows on the fifth floor of the administrative building of the Elmral Academy Metro Station. Judging by this information, the metropolitan windows replaced the fantastic sum of 5.3 million manat.

It was about the installation of windows Only on the same floor of the building, and the dedicated amount, even taking into account the installation of windows from the Venetian glass of the XV century, it seemed overly overestimated.

The edition of decided to clarify the question and contact the company that won the tender. The winner of the tender was announced by Nimex.

In the company itself, HAQQIN.AZ correspondents stated that they do not specialize in the installation of windows, but are engaged in finishing work. And the installation of windows can be carried out only in the context of common works. The cost of the work carried out in the company did not report.

However, the situation was clarified in the press service of the Baku Metropolitan CJSC. The departments confirmed that the tender was really announced to replace the windows of one of the floors of the Elmral Academiiamus station. But the amount of the tender was lower than a hundred times!

“In the morning we call us on this issue. Some journalist was mistaken in his note. In fact, the amount of the tender was not 5.3 million manat 53,553 manat,” they said in Bakmetropolitan.

It is also worth noting that later journalists still corrected the error. As they say, spoons were found, but the sediment remained.