Estonia Parliament Granted Kristen Michal Authority To Form Government

Estonia’s parliament (Riigikogu) voted to provide a candidate for prime ministers from the reform party Kristen Michal authority to form a government.

According to ERR, the vote took place on Monday at an extraordinary meeting of the legislative body.

For the provision of a mandate to Michal to the formation of the government, 64 deputies of the parliament voted, 27 were opposed to the opposed and not participating in the vote, there were no 10 deputies at the meeting. In the afternoon, Estonian President Alar Caris will approve the composition of the government.

on July 23, another extraordinary meeting of the parliament is scheduled, at which the government should be swore. Until that time, the acting head of the Cabinet will be resigned by Kai Callas. Michal in her office held the post of Minister on Climate issues.

The Government will include seven people: Prime Minister Kristen Mikhal, Minister of Finance Jurgeen League, Minister of Climata Yoko Alender, Minister of Economics and Industry Erkki Keldo, Minister of Defense Hanno Pevurkur, Minister of Social Protection Signah Riisalo and Minister of Culture Haydi Purg .

eesti 200 in the new government will be presented by Foreign Minister Margus Tsakhkna, Minister of Education and Science Kristina Kallas and Minister of Justice and Digital Technologies Liise Pacosta.

The Social Democrats will include the Minister of Internal Affairs Lauri Laurinemets, Health Minister Riina Sikkut, Minister of Regions and Agriculture Piretan Hartman and Minister of Infrastructure Vladimir Light.

Pevurkur, Riisalo, Purga. Tsakhkna, Kallas, Laenaemetts, Sikkut and Hartman occupied the same posts in the last government of KAI Kallas, and the rest of the candidates will update the composition of the government.

The post of Minister of Infrastructure was absent in the previous government and was created due to the fact that the Social Democrats in coalition negotiations achieved the allocation of four ministerial portfolios.