EU fully supports peaceful summit in Ukraine in Switzerland

Spokesman for the European Union Commission (EU) Peter Stano said that the Union fully supports the world summit in Ukraine in Switzerland and works with international partners to ensure a wide participation in this event.

spokeswoman for the commission, the executive body of the EU, on foreign policy, answered questions about the peace summit in Ukraine in Switzerland next month at the daily press conference.

“EU fully supports the peaceful summit, which will be organized in Switzerland in the middle of the next month,” Stano said.

“The purpose of this summit is very important for us, because we consider it as a source of inspiration for the future peaceful process. We in the EU, together with our partners around the world, make every effort to ensure as widespread representation. More than 70 countries. have already taken on obligations to participate, ”he said.

Speaking about attempts to organize alternative summits with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin, I add: “Putin’s attempts to undermine the effectiveness of the summit or its parallel activity show how much he is afraid of this summit.”

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said on Wednesday in Brussels that he expects all leaders in the Summit, including US President Joe Biden and Chinese PRC Xi Jinping.

Zelensky emphasized that Biden’s refusal to participate in the summit will mean “applause” to Putin.