EU leaders appointed new Blok leaders

The leaders of the states and governments of the European Union (EU) determined the candidates of the leaders of the Bloc for the next five years.

EU leaders were considered at the summit held in Brussels.

In particular, the chairman of the European Commission Ursula von der Lyain retained her post. The President of the European Council was appointed former Prime Minister of Portugal Antoniu Kost, and the Prime Minister of Estonia Kae Kallas was invited to occupy the post of the EU Supreme EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

The head of the European Council Charles Michelle said that Ursule von der Lyain proposed to occupy the post of chairman of the European Commission for the next 5 years.

With the exception of Kost, other candidates will have to receive a vote of trust in the General Assembly of the European Parliament, whose first session will be held on July 16.