European Union welcomes negotiations between Baku and Yerevan

Supreme Representative of the European Union (EU) on foreign policy and security issues Joseph Borrell made a statement in connection with the situation in the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.

The statement notes that the EU carefully monitors the last situation in the Azerbaijani-Armenian border.

“From my name, the Secretary-General of the European Foreign Policy Service Stefano Sannino was contacted by Armeni Auvaszyn Foreign Minister, and on May 14, with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jayhun Bayramov, calling both sides to be extremely restrained and not exacerbate the situation. Special Representative The EU in the South Caucasus Toyvo Clawar contacted the OSCE chairmanship, “the statement is noted.

Supreme representative of the EU said that the delimitation and demarcation of the border should be solved by negotiations in the name of the security of the local population: “We welcome the continuing contacts at the technical level between the two parties. The EU maintains a comprehensive conflict resolution and encourages both countries to find a peaceful decision, while maintaining stability. In the region. “