Former President Peru Pedro Castillo, who announced a hunger strike in prison, was hospitalized due to a deterioration in health.
Castillo, which has been contained in prison since December 2022, was taken to the hospital in the Vitarte area by ambulance.
The authorities said that Castillo was taken to the hospital due to suspicion of violation of the water-electrolyte balance and light dehydration.
Judge Norma Karbahal said that the life of 55-year-old Castillo is out of danger.
“He was taken to the hospital as a precaution. His condition is stable,” she said.
According to local media, the prison authorities suspended the right to visit the ex-president in connection with a violation of the rules against the background of a hunger strike.
Former Castillo Lawyer Walter Ayala said that the ex-president appealed to the Mezhamerican Human Rights Commission with a request to restore his rights.
March 10, Castillo announced a hunger strike in prison in protest against the trial, in which he is accused of “violation of public order.”
Castillo denied the accusations against him.
“I was unfairly imprisoned for crimes that I did not commit. From today I decided to declare a hunger strike in protest against injustice,” he said.
Former President Peru was sentenced to 18 months of preliminary imprisonment on December 14, 2022. June 11, 2024, this period was extended for another 14 months.