Experts told about growth of mental disorders due to coronaphobia

Psychiatrists predict humanity a new epidemic, this time mental disorders. The spiritual health of the population of the planet, they say the evacuolaps, has long been walking, the coronavirus pandemic brought it out of equilibrium even more. About this on Thursday, May 13, at a press conference TASS reported the head of the international department of the NMITs named after Bekhtereva Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Anna Vasilyeva.

According to the Russian expert, the world pandemic simply could not not affect the mental health of people. Scientists already declare the new form of mental symptoms – “coronaphobia”.

“This is primarily the fear for yourself, for your life and health. Its very much spurred, including the dissemination of the virus in the media about the virus itself and about the disease that he calls: if you remember, it said very much about what COVID-19 may arise literally from nowhere and rapidly develop in extremely severe forms, “Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Russian specialist.

Supports Vasilyev and the main freelance expert expert on Psychiatry Roszdravnadzor Nikolay Dzhadnov, who believes that the media make a very large contribution to the distribution of panic sentiment in society.

According to Neddan, in the foreseeable future it is worth waiting for a surge of depression – there is even a risk that in the degree of disabling population (that is, the transformation of people in disabled) depression is sooner or later compares with diseases of the cardiovascular system.