Export Of Turkish Honey Over 9 Months Reached $ 22.8 Million

Export of Turkish honey in nine months of this year reached $ 22.8 million.

As Anadol reports with reference to the data of the Union of Exporters of the East Black Sea region of Turkey (DKİb), the volume of honey exports from Turkey for January-September amounted to 5,913 tons.

Income from honey exports over this period reached 22,882,831 dollars.

Honey was exported to 49 countries, including the leaders of the United States, Germany and Canada.

USA – the main importer of Turkish honey

In the first nine months of 2024, honey in the amount of $ 9,327,460 was exported in the United States, in Germany – at 5,289,192 dollars, and in Canada – for 904,756 dollars.

Compared to the same period last year, Turkish honey began to be exported to countries such as Hungary, Bangladesh, Iraq, Liberia, Czech Republic, Morocco, Nepal and Equatorial Guinea.

The Chairman of the Board of DKİB Suffet Caleonju, in an interview with Anadolu, noted that honey is one of the important products of the production and export of Turkey.

Noting the importance of ensuring the stability of the export of honey, he emphasized that they work on an increase in both the volume of export and the geographical variety of export markets.

“If our exporters will pay more attention to the export of branded and high -quality honey, we expect that the volume of exports will reach the level of last year,” said Kaleonju.