Film of documentary of documentary in Mariupol was awarded in Cannes

The documentary “Mariopolis 2” of the Lithuanian director Mantas Kvedarachavichus was awarded to the 75th Cannes Film Festival on Saturday evening, on May 28, the special award of the Golden Eye jury, Deutsche Welle reports.

“Our special prize goes to the film, which cannot be compared with any other in this competition. The very radical, courageous, artistic and existential statement” Mariopolis 2 “. Director Mantas Kvedaravravichyus – one of the thousands of civilian army from the beginning of a full -scale invasion Putin, “this announced his decision of the jury of the Cannes Film Festival.

The picture is mounted from the material that the director shot before death. The material was preserved by his bride Anna Bilobrov, who was with him in Mariupol. Bilobrova mounted “Mariopolis 2” along with the editor of Dunei Sycheva, who had already worked with Kvedaravichyus. The premiere of the film “Mariopolis 2” took place in Cannes on May 19.

“This film is completely impossible to compare with anything, it stood out as if lying on a separate shelf; he beat under the breath to black in his eyes. And knowing everything that was left behind the scenes … The Lithuanian director KVDIDARUDARYCHUS came to Mariupol in Martha, took off civilians there, lived with them, but in the end he was captured, he was tortured and killed. The beloved Mantas was able to take out from Mariupol not only the body of her husband, but also the materials that he shot there. Friends, colleagues delicately put together withdrawn together The personnel made the film out of this. The last film of Mantas, ”said the director of Mariopolis 2, director Irina Tsilyk, who became the first Ukrainian, which became part of the jury of the Cannes Film Festival.