Fires In Los Angeles Covered Largest Urban Territory Of California Over 40 Years

Two forest fires that began last week in the American state of California and continued until now, have turned more residential areas into the ashes than any other fire since the 1980s.

Associated Press (AP), Analysis of the Silwis Laboratory Data at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, revealed the scale of destruction caused by fires in the Plyseids and ITO regions on the outskirts of Los Angeles in California.

According to the analysis, the area of ​​urban territories, destroyed as a result of almost 10-day fires in the Paliseids and ITOs in Los Angeles, exceeds the area of ​​any fire in the state since the mid-1980s.

Fires, which, apparently, covered more urban territories than any other fires in California over the past 40 years, grow under the influence of strong and constant winds blowing from the Pacific, as a result of which more and more houses and enterprises are covered flame.

According to estimates, fires in Paliseids and resulted in about 10.36 square kilometers of living space in densely populated areas of Los Angeles. This is more than doubled by the area of ​​the urban territory destroyed by the Wulsey fire in this area in 2018.

Today, as a result of forest fires that began in the Pasifik-Palisads area in Los Angeles on the morning of January 7 and quickly spread to nearby areas, especially to the areas of Iton, Herst, Sanset and Woodley, at least 25 people have died. < /p>

The total damage and economic losses caused by fires, as a result of which thousands of the acres of the Earth turned into a ashes, are estimated at $ 250 – 275 billion.