First Lady Of Turkey Emine Erdogan Met With Wife Of Albanian Prime Minister

The wife of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Emine Erdogan, met with the wife of Albanian Prime Minister Eddie Rama, Linda Rama.

Emine Erdogan, accompanying the president on his official visit to the capital of Albania Tirana, was a guest of Linda Rama in the state residence of Villa 30.

The meeting was held in the press closed for the press. Linda Rama expressed gratitude to Emine Erdogan for the invitation to the exhibition and show the Bride Treasure: a journey through the Ottoman and Anatolian dowry, “which was held in the Turkish house in New York.

During the meeting, the general cultural values ​​of Albania and Turkey were also discussed. Linda Rama held a tour of Villa 30 for Emine Erdogan, telling her story.

“As part of our official visit to the tyrant, I met with the respected wife of the Prime Minister of Albania Linda Rama. We discussed the topics that will further strengthen historical and cultural ties between our countries. We are sure that mutual visits will contribute to the deepening of relations between by our states, ”Emine Erdogan wrote on social networks, commenting on a meeting with Linda Rama.