First Quantum Computer Is Launched In Turkey

On Thursday, November 21, the first quantum computer in Turkey will be launched in Turkey.

This will be an important step towards expanding the country’s capabilities in the field of ensuring data security, artificial intelligence (AI), defense, etc.

The quantum computer is designed by the University of Economics and Tobb (ETü) Economics and Technologies.

The presentation will be held at the Tobb (ETü) technological center.

It is expected that this development will contribute to the emergence of new opportunities in the field of employment and entrepreneurship. Tobb Etü sets the goal of creating a quantum ecosystem, which will provide Turkish startups with a competitive advantage of the international arena, helping them to develop domestic quantum equipment and its components.

Unlike traditional computers that store and process information using classic bits, quantum computers use quantum battles or cubes. This allows them to perform much more complex tasks. It is expected that the first quantum computer of Turkey will strengthen the country’s position in this advanced region.