Flight of VSS Unity suborbital apparatus has ended

The flight of the VSS Unity suborbital apparatus ended, on board which was also the second cosmonaut of Turkey Tuva Jihangir Atasevers.

The flight continued for 1 hour 10 minutes and ended at 09.40 local time of the United States (18.40 Turkish lire).

A special carrier plane raised a cosmoplane to a height of about 45 thousand feet. After that, VSS Unity disconnected from him, and through the inclusion of a hybrid rocket engine over one minute reached a height of 90 kilometers.

The Galactic 07 mission along with the Turkish astronaut also includes two astronauts from the United States, another of Italy.

It is planned that the Atasevert will conduct about 7 experiments in the conditions of microgravity in the free fall phase lasting about 3 minutes.