Foreign Minister: Kyrgyzstan advocates reforming UN Security Council

Kyrgyzstan advocates reforming the UN Security Council. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Zheenbek Kulubaev, the book “Kabar”.


According to him, the reform of the UN Security Council is one of the main topics at the UN General Assembly. “Every year this issue is discussed at all levels, but the reform of the UN Security Council is a very difficult issue. Many countries have their own vision. Large countries such as Japan, Germany, India achieve the status of permanent members of the UN Security Council. They have their own vision. In total. Five countries that are constant members of the UN Security Council, and only with their consent can be reformed for more than 20 years, ”Kulubaev said.

He noted that if you have been intermittent in the UN Security Council, Kyrgyzstan could also contribute to the UN reform. The diplomat indicated that a lot of work will be carried out in this direction.

Kulubaev emphasized that inconsistent membership in the Council of Council of Council of People’s Commissars will provide the country with access to all issues that will be on the agenda: international crises, issues of war and peace, economic crisis, climate, human rights. “We will take part in all these meetings. And express our vision,” he said.