Foreign Minister Latvia Noted Efforts Of Turkey For Southern Flank Of NATO

All the efforts made by Turkey for the Southern Flank of NATO and in general are truly admirable. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Bayba Brazh at a joint press conference following a meeting with the Foreign Minister of Turkey Hakan Fidan in Ankara.

“Extremely significant relations are established between us. We are united by the fact that we really understand the importance of security and defense,” she said.

Brazha emphasized that Türkiye and Latvia are allies in NATO and are located in important geographical regions.

“All the efforts made by Turkey for the southern flank of NATO and in general are truly admirable,” she stressed.

The Latvian Foreign Minister also said that the country’s expenses for defense are more than 3 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). According to her, Riga allocated 1 percent of her own GDP for defense and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

Brazhea noted that economic cooperation between Turkey and Latvia can develop further, and the honorary consulate opened in Istanbul is designed to strengthen relations.

The Foreign Minister indicated that thousands of Latvians annually visit Turkey and expressed a desire to visit Latvia as many residents as possible.