Foreign Minister Of Azerbaijan Noted Importance Of Eliminating Obstacles To Peaceful Process

Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jahun Bayramov, in the framework of his participation at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, spoke at the Summit of the future in New York. In his appeal, he spoke about the importance of continuing the peace process and eliminating the remaining obstacles to its promotion.

Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan over the years has encountered the consequences of violation of international law and non -fulfillment of UN resolutions. In this regard, he emphasized the need for the unconditional application of international mechanisms and tools, as well as the inadmissibility of double standards in this matter.

In his speech, Bayramov noted that Azerbaijan restored his sovereignty and territorial integrity, putting an end to the illegal occupation, and also became the initiator of the process of normalizing relations with Armenia on the basis of mutual recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The minister paid important attention to the implementation of sustainable development goals and reported that Azerbaijan presented four voluntary national reports on this topic until 2030. He also noted that the country occupies a leading position in this area and continues to actively support international obligations.

Bayramov noted that the liberation of the territories created new opportunities for the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and emphasized that the current large -scale work on restoration and construction covers all aspects of the fulfillment of these goals.

In addition, he mentioned the need to combat threats related to mines that pose a danger to the life and health of citizens, as well as for restoration work.

In conclusion, the minister said that in November of this year, Azerbaijan will accept the 29th session of the conference of the parties to the UN Framework on Climate Change (COP29). He expressed confidence that this event will contribute to the unification of developed and developing countries in the fight against climate change, as well as strengthening cooperation on a inclusive basis.

Bayramov emphasized that the chairmanship in COP29 will be emphasized on the financial side of the fight against climate change and on strengthening ambitions in this area. In conclusion, he presented the initiative of Azerbaijan “COP Call to the World”, which is aimed at promoting the world COP29 within a month, emphasizing the importance of unity and respect among all participants in the process.