Foreign Ministry: In Azerbaijan, Memory Of Soldiers Of Caucasian Islamic Army Is Grateful

Azerbaijan Foreign Ministry shared the publication on the social network X in connection with the anniversary of the liberation of Baku from the Armenian-Bolshevik occupation.

“Today has been 106 years since the liberation of the city of Baku from the Armenian-Bolshevik occupation. We gratefully recall the bright memory of all our brothers and sisters who died for the liberation of Baku from the occupation on September 15, written in gold letters on the pages of the history of the Azerbaijani-Turkish fraternity “, – said in the department.

On September 15, 1918, the army under the command of Nuri Pasha Killigil freed Baku, which allowed the young Azerbaijani government to move from Ganja, where it met after May 28, 1918.

Azerbaijanis today with respect and gratitude honor the memory of the heroes of the Turkish army and Nuri-Pasha Killigil, who hastened to the fraternal people 106 years ago.

Having proclaimed independence on May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan signed the first agreement with the Ottoman state.