Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan: Another attempt by Armenia to use UN Security Council for its own blackmail campaign failed

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic made a statement on the discussions held at the UN Security Council on August 16, 2023.

The statement of the foreign policy of Azerbaijan says:

“Another attempt by Armenia to use the UN Security Council for its own blackmail campaign has failed. Such attempts by Armenia are manipulated and exploiting the specified higher organ not only unproductive from the point of view of promoting the subporalization of relations in the post -conflict period, but also extremely destructive.

Azerbaijan hopes that Armenia will finally understand that the path of resolving issues lies through constructive interaction, as well as the honest implementation of international legal norms and obligations. As emphasized by many members of the UN Security Council, the basis of peace and stability in the region is the recognition of sovereignty and territorial integrity both in words and in fact.

We highly value the statements of several Member States of the UN Security Council, as well as Turkey about the need for sincere dialogue and conscientious interaction in connection with the functioning of all the routes proposed by Azerbaijan, especially along the road of Agdam-Hankendi, in connection with the delivery of products to meet the needs of residents Karabakh region of Azerbaijan of Armenian origin.

The discussions once again showed that Azerbaijan’s proposal about the use of the Agdam-Khandi road was positively received by the international community and that the obstacles created by Armenia should be strongly eliminated to ensure the legal and transparent delivery of goods to the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

In addition, the recognition by some member states of legitimate fears of the security of Azerbaijan is a promising step towards eliminating certain challenges in the region.

Azerbaijan proposed to Armenia the world on the basis of mutual recognition and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the two countries. On the other hand, we pursue a policy of reintegration of residents of the Karabakh region of Armenian origin as equal citizens, providing all their rights and freedoms in accordance with all relevant international human rights mechanisms provided for by the Azerbaijan Constitution. We are determined to protect our sovereignty and territorial integrity by all legal means provided for by the UN Charter and international law.

Azerbaijan is configured to constructive interaction with all parties that are sincerely interested in promoting normalization of relations and thereby ready to contribute to achieving the long -awaited world and stability in the region. “