Foreign Ministry Of Belarus: Kyiv “provokes” Belarus When Inciting External Players

The Foreign Ministry of Belarus said that “the Ukrainian provocation with a span of drones over the Belarusian territory” could be undertaken upon incitement of external players and called on the parties to change their minds and stop.

“On August 9, 2024, a group of shock unmanned aerial vehicles launched from the territory of Ukraine violated the border of the Republic of Belarus and in this regard was shot down by the air defense forces of our country. This is a very serious incident that will not be left without proper international legal and substantive assessment” ,- said the press service of the diplomatic university.

Data “criminal actions” radically escalater the situation and represent a dangerous attempt to draw a zone of the current conflict in the region, follows from the text.

At the same time, Belarus is trying to involve, which invariably advocates the settlement of the crisis and the cessation of bloodshed, noted at the Foreign Ministry.

“Such steps are taken by the Ukrainian leadership with obvious connivance or even incitement of famous external players,” the department said, calling on the parties to “change their minds and stop”.

The Foreign Ministry of Belarus turned to the peoples of neighboring Europe: “In the event of an expansion of the conflict, the fire will cover the entire region and spread, including to the EU countries.” “There will be no winners! Cool your militant politicians!”,- emphasized in the text.

In connection with the danger of the situation and global risks of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, will immediately bring detailed information about the incident to the relevant UN and OSCE structures, as well as to members of international organizations and associations, which is a participant in the Republic of Belarus, follows from the message.

“We will also initiate consultations with its allies and partners, as well as through the line of international structures. Of course, Belarus will fully use its right to self-defense and properly respond to any provocations or hostile actions,” added to department.