Foreign Ministry Of Belarus: Minsk Informed UN Security Council Of “provocations With UAVs”

Belarus sent an appeal to the Chairman of the UN Security Council due to the incident with the UAV.

“In connection with the incident with the Ukrainian UAV in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Belarusian side sent an appeal to the chairman of the UN Security Council, which attracted attention to the need to terminate Ukraine provocative actions that threaten Belarus into an armed conflict and its distribution to other countries of the region” ,- follows from the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, August 14.

Belarus reserved the right, in the event of a repeat of “such provocations”, to convene an extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council, the ministry noted.

“concern for the potential of the escalation of the situation in the region due to aggressive and ill-conceived actions of the Ukrainian side will be brought to the UN Secretary General. The position of Belarus in relation to the incident will also be published as the official document of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly,”- noted in the text.

In a similar way, the position of the Belarusian side was brought to the current Maltese chairmanship of this organization, the Croatian chairmen of the Forum for Security Cooperation, the Secretary General of the OSCE, participating states and partners in the OSCE Cooperation, explained in the diplomatic mission.

“Belarus will consistently attract the attention of international organizations to an emerging situation, which can have extremely detrimental consequences, and achieve its adequate legal assessment,” the Foreign Ministry emphasized.