Foreign Ministry Of Belarus: Poland Unleashed “a Real War Against Migrants On Border”

Poland on the border with Belarus is unleashed “a real war against migrants from the southern countries with dozens of killed and hundreds of crippled people with Polish security forces.”

About this, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Yuri Amphrasevich, said at a meeting of the UN Security Council in New York. The text of the speech is given by the press service of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry.

Warsaw completely abandoned cooperation with Minsk as part of the instruments of legal assistance and border management, perfectly realizing that only joint efforts will effectively fight criminals operating unfortunate migrants on their way from their countries to Western Europe, primarily in Germany, Said the diplomat.

“What is the conscious ban on the Lithuanian transit of Belarusian fertilizers through the Lithuanian ports to the countries of Africa and Asia? Or Vilnius’s refusal to read the transit of Ukrainian grain to the same countries. It is worth recalling the European Union’s countries for air traffic with the Republic of Belarus. Are the first, second and third not only against the interests of my country, but also against many other states and ordinary people?

It seems that with still global involvement in the international agenda, Western states are increasingly self -limiting and losing the tools of influence, says the deputy head of the Foreign Ministry.

“Is this is not a rejection of versatility? The emphasis on unilateral actions, on unilaterality, on the dictatorship of only its rules – this is the root of the problems of today’s world,” he stressed.

This trend, according to Abrazevich, is opposed, for example, in Big Eurasia, the unifying agenda in a number of formats, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the CIS, and the EAEU, and the ASEAN, and other regional associations operating in this space .

These associations are not directed against the West or someone else, but as already noted, the West itself is not ready to cooperate with them, said the diplomat.

The deputy minister recalled that Belarus organized a high -level International Conference “Eurasian Security: Reality and Prospects in the Transforming World”.

in Minsk.

“In addition to our peacekeeping efforts to achieve the Minsk agreements, in addition to our unification initiatives to build new security architecture in Europe called” Helsinki 2 “, on the global topic of the San Francisco spirit at the Minsk conference in the Minsk Conference in the Minsk Conference in the Minsk Conference in Last year, Belarus launched the process of discussing the issue of building equal and indivisible architecture of Eurasian security, ”said the representative of the department.

According to him, the overwhelming number of invited Western states ignored the invitation.

“Apparently, real versatility will be revived among real like-minded people,” Ambrazevich added.