Foreign Ministry of Russian Federation: West is trying to inflate situation in Georgia

The West is trying to realize a new “Maidan” script for October in Georgia to create a new focus of tension near the borders of Russia. With this statement in an interview with TASS, the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Mikhail Galuzin made.

“We see the attempts of Westerners to avoid the situation in Georgia in the context of the parliamentary elections planned for October. We do not exclude that the goal is to try to realize the” Maidan “scenario of the change of power in the calculation to create another focus of tension near the borders of Russia,” Galuzin says.

“This time, the Westerners decided to take up Georgia in connection with the consideration of the Law” On Transparency of Foreign Infant “there, although much more stringent norms are already existing in the USA itself and other countries of the world’s” minority “on this topic.” Noted the deputy minister.

Hypocational accusations of Brussels and Washington raised in the “undermining of democracy”, the inconsistency of the “European” and “Euro -Atlantic” values, as well as threats to apply personal sanctions, block the “Euro -Atlantic perspective” of Georgia, deprive it of the status of an EU candidate, suspend a visa -free regime for citizens of this country, ”he said.

Galuzin also drew attention to the participation of the heads of the Foreign Ministry of Lithuania, Estonia and Iceland in street protests in Tbilisi in mid -May. “It is difficult to characterize otherwise than a flagrant interference in the internal affairs of an independent state,” he emphasized.