Foreign Ministry Of Russian Federation: Moscow And Beijing Must Together Withstand Attempts To Destroy Structures Of ASEAN

Russia and China must together counteract the intervention of non-regional forces in the affairs of Southeast Asia and do everything so that no one can destroy the structures of ASEAN.

This was stated by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Van and on the fields of events through the Association of Southeast Asian Association (ASEAN).

“Other multilateral sites are also important. Among them, of course, ASEAN and all asanocentric architecture. We have a single position – we must do everything so as not to allow it to destroy. And today we just talked about it in detail. We consider it important to continue such a dialogue to the meeting with a colleague of Laos, to counteract the intervention of non -regional forces in the affairs of Southeast Asia and to contribute to well -being and prosperity, ”the Russian State Media Minister on Thursday, July 25.

The Russian Foreign Minister also congratulated Van on the successful holding of the third plenum of the Central Committee of the CPC of the 20th convocation. “The results of this event will undoubtedly be of great importance for the further development of the People’s Republic of China and the world economy,” Lavrov said.

“The implementation of the tasks of the integrated national development of our countries is a priority on the agenda, contributes to the development of strategic interaction, which President Putin and Chairman of Xi Jinping pays constant attention, including new borders in the direction of which our economic interaction and partnership is promoting” – said the Russian minister.

Lavrov also said that the capabilities of Russia and China contribute to the positive influence on the development of the ASEAN and the solution of global problems. “We proceed from the fact that the large -scale potentials of Russia and China, as well as the participation of Moscow and Beijing in such multilateral associations of a new type as BRICS and the SCO, are able to have a positive impact both in our interaction with the association and on the processes of cooperation with its individual states – Member in the interests of resolving global and regional problems on a strong basis of the principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and interconnection, ”said the head of the Russian diplomatic mission.

The minister emphasized that Asean is one of the most important elements of the more fair multipolar world order. “ASEAN was and remains the“ nucleus ”of the general sternal efforts, focused on ensuring the stable and safe non -help development of the Asia -Pacific region,” he added.

Lavrov arrived in Vyentyan on July 25 to participate in events along the ASEAN line. On the fields of events in Laos, the head of Russian diplomacy has already met with colleagues from East Timor, Indonesia, Cambodia.