Foreign Ministry Of Turkey: OTG Seeks To Serve World And Prosperity In Its Region And Beyond

Türkiye will continue to work on the promotion of the principle of “unity in language, ideas and work” among the Turkic states. This is stated in the message of the Turkish Foreign Ministry dedicated to the Day of Cooperation of the Turkic states.

“Today we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the creation of the organization of the Turkic states (OTG) and the day of cooperation of the Turkic states,” the Turkish foreign policy said.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry noted “the strong will of the Turkic world to cooperate, based on general language, history and cultural values.”

“OTG seeks to serve the world and prosperity in its region and beyond,” the message emphasizes.

On October third, 2009 in Azerbaijani Nakhchyan an agreement was signed on the creation of the Cooperation Cooperation Council of Turkic -speaking states.

In November 2021, at the summit of the Council of Cooperation of the Turkic -speaking states in Istanbul, the Turkic Council was renamed the organization of Turkic states.

States-members of the organization: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Türkiye and Uzbekistan.

Suppositorial states at OTG: Hungary, Turkmenistan and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.