Former head of FIFA banned football activities

The Judicial Chamber of the Independent Committee on Ethics removed from any associated football activities of the former president of the International Football Federation (FIFA) Joseph Blatter and the former Secretary of State of Jerome Valka. They were also fined to 1 million Swiss francs (more than $ 1.07 million).

Disqualification period will be 6 years and 8 months. At the same time, a new ban will take effect when Blatter and Valka will have existed superimposed previously restrictions, in October 2021 and October 2025, respectively.

The Trial Chamber acknowledged Blatter and Valka guilty in various violations of the FIFA ethics code. The investigation conducted by the organization, including the bonuses that FIFA officials were obtained in connection with the championships, various amendments and extension of employment contracts, as well as payment for FIFA private trials of the Valka, “reports on the organization’s website, according to Forbes.

Blatter led FIFA from 1998 to 2015. He left the post in connection with the corruption scandal, at the same time FIFA removed him from football activities for illegal translation of 2 million Swiss francs Michel Platini, who led UEFA at the time.