Former Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Oganesyan threatens 16 years in prison

The side of the prosecution asked the court to sentence the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Marat Oganenya by the 16th of the colony in the case of the embezzlement, reported to journalists in the joint press service of the courts of the city, reports TASS.

“Oganeyan is asked to impose a punishment in the form of 16 years of imprisonment in an IR strict regime with a fine of 60 million rubles with a ban on holding posts in the public service for a period of 7 years,” the report says.

Oganesyan, who held the post of vice-governor of St. Petersburg for construction, from 2013 to 2015, oversee the construction of the stadium on the Cross Island. He was detained on November 16, 2016 in Moscow in the case of the embezzlement of more than 50 million rubles at the conclusion of the Stadium general contractor, CJSC Transstroy, a contract with TDM (Theatrical Decoration Workshops) for the supply of a scoreboard for St. Petersburg Arena.

the court placed the Oganen to custody, believing that, being free, he could affect the course of the investigation.