Fraudster under guise of an official wip away money from head doctor

In the General Office of Anti-Corruption, the Prosecutor General was investigated by the information that Guliyev Ziyad Tofig Oglu, issuing himself for an official officer of the Gosorgan, extorted money.

As reported in the Prosecutor General’s Office, suspicions were revealed in the fact that Z. Guliyev, introducing himself to the state structure, demanded that the head doctor of one of the hospitals 2 thousand manats instead of non-disclosure of complaints of the employees of this institution for illegal actions.

As a result of operational-search activities held on April 5, 2021, Ziyater Guliyev was detained with political when receiving the remaining part of the amount required from the head physician of this hospital – 5 thousand manat.

In relation to Guliyev, a criminal case was initiated under articles 310 (assignment of authority of an official), 32.4, 312.1 (incitement to the country of bribes) and 178.2.4 (fraud with significant damage) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, the court decision against it is elected Preventive measure in the form of arrest.