Front Commanders Of China And United States Negotiated Two Years Later

The head of the southern zone of the command of the People’s Liberation Army of China (PLA) at Janan and Admiral of the Indian-Tikhookean command of the US Armed Forces Samuel Paparo held negotiations after a long break.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Defense, negotiations, held two years later, took place in video conferencing mode. The parties conducted a “in -depth exchange of views on issues that cause mutual interest,” the message says.

Relations between the USA and China complicated against the backdrop of the visit of the former speaker of the House of US representatives Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan in August 2022. China considers Taiwan and adjacent islands as part of its territory.

Beijing authorities suspended coordination meetings on defense policies, advisory meetings on naval issues and meetings of front commanders between China and the USA.

PRC Chairman Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden agreed on the fields of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC) in San Francisco on November 15, 2023 to restore communication channels between the military countries.

During the visit of the US President’s adviser to Jake Sullivan National Security, the parties agreed on the holding of front commanders in the near future.