Gas Station Exploded In Dagestan: 5 Dead

On September 27, two explosions at the gas station occurred in Makhachkala. According to eyewitnesses, he destroyed several cars and buildings.

According to preliminary data, five people died. 10 were injured. Smoking ruins are visible on the frames from the scene.

According to local sources, people remained under the rubble. The number of victims is most likely to grow.

more than 10 ambulance brigades operate at the scene.

“Employees of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia localized a fire in Dagestan,” the Russian Emergencies Ministry said in the Telegram channel. According to the Ministry of Emergencies, the fire at the gas station occurred due to the explosion of the gas cylinder.

Earlier, the head of the Republic of Dagestan Sergey Melikov said that the main forces are currently being given to extinguish the fire and clarifying the causes of the explosion. He also noted that all measures to help the victims are taken.