Goodrat Gasanguliev: “The US span on their own principles”

“of this type of application are irresponsible and provocative. I have already said that not only we, but the whole world will often face similar statements by the elderly pro-Armenian president of the United States by Bayiden, as well as the unprepared and pro-Armenian Camala Harris. It is not only These people. In general, the United States cannot conduct foreign policy in a world based on international law and justice. Otherwise, we would live in a conflict, bloodless world. There would be no 44-day war, nor the death of thousands of young people Nor a statement of the United States who go beyond all the ethical framework. This was announced in the interview with local journalists, Chairman of the Party of the Single People’s Front of Azerbaijan, Deputy Goodrat Gasanguliyev, commenting on the US State Department for the situation on the border of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

“In the years of the first Karabakh war, US officials for the sake of votes and the money of the Armenian diaspora ignored the appeal of our people, which faced the genocide in Khojaly and the occupation of the territories.

they did not even have enough humanitarian aid million of Azerbaijani refugees who were expelled from their lands from their homes. Some of the refugees still live in terrible conditions. On the contrary, they headed by Biden achieved the introduction of the 907th amendments, the introduction of sanctions against Azerbaijan and the expansion of the occupation.

To preserve the face in front of the international community, against the background of continuing occupation by Armenia, they hypocritically adopted four UN Security Council resolutions, condemning the occupation of Azerbaijani territories, but did not require Armenia to bring troops. After each decision of the UN Security Council, Armenians occupied our next district. The United States spoke on its own propaganda principles and has always provided financial assistance to the separatist regime in Karabakh. That’s the whole essence of US policy. Such policies of the United States inflicted great damage to democracy and the rule of law in the world, “he said.

Goodrat Gasanguliyev also commented on the statements of a number of political emigrants, which were charged with accusations against Azerbaijan.

“These people at one time caused great damage to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani state should restore its borders. Whoever spoke. If we want these states who speak with the pro-Armenian position to praise us, then we must give the land of Armenia. If we We want our lands, we must resist and not to inclination under external pressure, “said the deputy.