Google And Microsoft Electricity Consumption Is Comparable To Indicators Of Entire Countries

The development of digital technologies helps to expand the activities of companies operating in this area.

According to the market capitalization of companies, the size of the market value of the TOP-10 technological companies, including Google, Apple and Microsoft in 2023 amounted to $ 17.6 trillion, surpassing China.

The owners of technological companies with their enormous condition continue to lead the lists of the richest people on the planet.

According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, the first place in the list is occupied by the American businessman Ilon Musk with a fortune of $ 227 billion. Eight other businessmen in the top 10 are engaged in technological entrepreneurship.

– the total consumption of the power of Google and Microsoft is greater than in Nigeria with a population of 223 million people.

The amount of electricity consumed by technological companies significantly increases directly in proportion to their size.

According to the information that the Anadolu compiled on the basis of the Visual Capitalist, Google and Microsoft website data, the 24 teravat-hours of electricity per year consumes separately.

Two companies consume more electricity than countries such as Jordances with a population of 11 million people (20 teravat hours), Iceland with a population of 400 thousand people (19 teravat hours), Gan with a population of 34 million people (19 teravatt hours) and North Korea with a population of 26 million people (18 teravat hours).

The total consumption of two technological companies corresponds to 48 teravatt hours. This means that they consume more electricity than Nigeria with a population of 223 million people – 31 teravatt -hour.

From among other technological companies in the META list, it consumes 12 teravat hours of electricity, Apple-2 teravatt hours and NVIDIA-0.5 teravatt hours.

According to the site, the bulk of the energy goes to ensure the operation of the data centers that support cloud services and the new generation of artificial intelligence.

According to Google’s environmental report for 2024, in 2023, the consumption of electricity in the data centers increased by 17 percent.

The data centers of the technological company account for 10 percent of electricity consumption used by data processing centers around the world.

Over the past four years, Microsoft has achieved a large breakthrough in the field of development of artificial intelligence.

In 2020, the consumption of electricity by the company amounted to 11 teravatts per hour. For four years, this figure doubled and reached 24 teravatt-hour.