Google greenhouse emissions grew due to AI

Google greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 increased by 48 percent compared to 2019 and 13 percent compared to the previous year. This is stated in the environmental report of the company.

The company published a report under which the progress achieved in the implementation of its strategy and goals of environmental stability is evaluated.

The report notes that the main reason for the growth of emissions was an increase in the consumption of electricity by data centers that are necessary for the operation of artificial intelligence systems (AI).

“Since we continue to integrate AI into our products, the reduction of emissions may be a difficult task due to the growing energy needs due to an increase in the intensity of calculations using AI and emissions associated with the expected increase in our investment in the technical infrastructure,” – It is said in the report.

The report notes that the consumption of electricity in Google data processing centers in 2023 increased by 17 percent.

The company admitted that “the future impact of AI on the environment is difficult and difficult to predict.”