Google Policy In AI Does Not Include Wording “not To Use For Weapons”

The American company Google updated the list of principles for the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies (AI) published in 2018.

The company noted that corporations, governments and organizations should cooperate to create AI, which will protect people, will contribute to global growth and maintain national security.

The message notes that since the publication of the list of principles of AI in 2018, serious changes have occurred in technology.

“There is a global competition for leadership in the field of artificial intelligence in an increasingly difficult geopolitical environment,” said Komapnia.

Google reminded that AI, which is already present in the daily lives of billions of people, is the same widespread as the Internet.

“Democracy should lead the development of artificial intelligence, guided by such basic values ​​as freedom, equality and respect for human rights,” the report said.

At the same time, Google abandoned the formulations that sound in the previous principles of the use of AI regarding “weapons, observation, technologies that can cause damage and violate human rights.” There are no more such formulations in the updated list of principles.