Government Of Peru Announced Introduction Of An Emergency In Lim

The Government of Peru announced the introduction of a state of emergency (emergency) in the provinces of Lim and Calla in the fight against organized criminal groups. The corresponding decree was signed by President of Peru Dean Bolarta.

According to the document, the government announced a state of emergency in the capital of Peru, Lima, and the provinces of the Callao for a period of 30 days.

According to local media, public order in the listed provinces will be taken by the National Police of Peru (PNP), and the armed forces will be used to ensure the safety and support of operations in the most dangerous areas.

Meanwhile, President Peru Bolouart made strict statements regarding criminal groups in the country.

“I declare these bloodthirsty killers that I seriously consider the possibility of death, because not a single killer, not a single robber will stain the blood of the family who love their children,” she said.

In turn, Prime Minister Peru Gustavo Adriryansen announced plans to hold a meeting of the National Civil Security Council (Conasec) in the framework of the fight against organized crime.

“This is an effort that should overcome all our disagreements and cover all the Peruvians,” said Adriansen, adding that many measures will be considered, including complex reforms of the penitentiary system.

Involved in a number of regions of Peru, it provides for the restriction of some basic freedoms, including relating to the inviolability of the dwelling, freedom of movement in the national territory, freedom of assembly, etc.

According to the National Sistematico Nacional de Defunciones, in the first three months of 2025, 459 murders were committed in Peru as a result of urban violence.