Greece: Forest Fires Flashed At 68 Points

The Minister of Climatic Crisis and Civil Protection of Greece Vasilis Kikilias said that on the eve of forest fires flashed at 68 points.

“A long wave of heat and drought makes it difficult to work firefighters. Yesterday, forest fires flashed in 68 places throughout the country,” the minister wrote in social networks.

Meanwhile, the Greek authorities reported that in some areas today they introduced the “orange” level of weather danger due to the abnormal heat, which is a “high risk of fires.”

Fire teams plan to execute observation flights in the area of ​​Athens, Argolides, Egriboza (Evebeya) and Biotia, where the “orange” level of danger has been introduced.

According to the authorities, an emergency prepared to fight forest fires began to operate in these regions.

The authorities called for caution and refrain from initiatives that could lead to fires.