Hakan Fidan: EU For Regular Dialogue With Turkey In All Areas

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said that Turkey seeks to achieve progress in a positive agenda in relations with the European Union (EU), according to him, the positive approach of the European Union, not related to the Cyprus issue, will serve as common interests. P>

Fidan after participating in an informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels shared his ratings with an ANADOU agency correspondent.

“A meeting in Brussels is important from the point of view of reviving our relations with the EU,” Fidan said, recalling that Turkey has not been invited to these meetings for some time.

Having called the Turkish invitation to a meeting “Positive Event”, the minister said that at a meeting that lasted about two hours, the ways of developing relations between Turkey and the EU, as well as the cooperation of Turkey and the EU on global and regional issues were discussed in detail.

today, almost all my colleagues from the EU emphasized the need to continue the structured and regular dialogue and consultations with Turkey in all areas, especially in foreign policy, security and defense policy. They noted that Turkey plays an important role in relations between Russia and Ukraine , in the war in the Gaza Strip, in Syria, Iraq, in the Middle East, Africa and the South Caucasus.

The minister emphasized that in order for the relationship to gain momentum in the coming period, it is necessary to take specific steps on technical issues. In his opinion, “first of all, it is necessary to resume the work of the created dialogue mechanisms that were suspended in 2019. We still expect an update of the Customs Union.”

– efforts to liberalize the visa regime

The Foreign Minister of Turkey noted that one of the priority issues is the liberalization of the visa regime. Fidan said that 66 criteria have already been implemented, the corresponding institutions are working on the implementation of the remaining 6 criteria.