Head of Internet channel Səda TV was arrested

The deputy director and the actual head of the Internet channel Səda TV Elnur Shukurov was arrested, Azerbaijan said in the Prosecutor General of Office.

According to the report, during the investigation of the criminal case in the investigative department of the Prosecutor General’s Office against the accused head of the Hural TV Internet telekanal, the journalist Avaz Zeynalla and lawyer Elchin Sadigov revealed the illegal actions of Elnur Shukurov, the actual head and deputy director of Səda TV.

The consequence established reasonable suspicions that Shukurov illegally influenced the decision on issuing a certificate using the capabilities of the Səda TV Internet channel for 50 thousand manat Salman Nasrullaeva, who provides intermediary services when buying and selling real estate in exchange for receiving a document On the privatization of 0.57 ha of the land and 168 sq.m of the building on the balance sheet of the Surakhan district association of housing and communal services.

on the basis of the foregoing, on September 14, Elnur Shukurov was involved as the accused under article 312-1.1 (illegal influence on the decision of the official – the influence of influence) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan, by the decision of the Binagadinsky District Court, a measure of restraint in the form of arrest was chosen in relation to him. The criminal investigation is currently ongoing.