Head Of Magate Warned Of Threat Of Nuclear Incident In Kursk Region

General Director of the IAEA Rafael Grossy visited the Kursk NPP of Russia.

According to Grossy, his arrival in the Kursk NPP was associated with the risk of a nuclear incident.

He stated that the purpose of his arrival was to personally evaluate the situation that exists at the Kursk NPP, and together with his Russian colleagues to find some solution to the current situation. “

“My visit here is due to the fact that in relative proximity to the city of Kursk, the nuclear power plant, fighting is now taking place. There is now a danger of a nuclear incident,” the general director said.

The head of the Magate noted that the functioning of the station is “very close to normal.” He visited the reactor hall, the machine room, the equipment control room, in the storage of the recovery of nuclear fuel.

“I was told about several cases of drones on the territory of the station. I, being there, saw traces of these attacks. In general, the fact that combat operations are being carried out a few kilometers from the nuclear power plant, causes great concern and concern for the regime safety, ”he said.

Grossy emphasized that his arrival at the Kursk NPP is connected with the intention of preventing strokes at the station.