Head Of Mi-5 Announced Growth Of Threats From Russia And Iran

The head of the British counterintelligence service Mi-5, Ken McCallum, announced the growth of threats against the UK by Russia and Iran. The words of McCalum are given by the British media.

According to the head of the British counterintelligence, the Russian special services are attempting to destabilize the situation in the UK in connection with the support of London of Ukraine.

McCallum noted that the agents of the Main Directorate of Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) carry out a “constant mission to create chaos on British and European streets” with the help of “arson, sabotage and much more.”

Since the beginning of the Russian -Ukrainian war, 750 Russian diplomats have been deported from Europe, most of them were spies, ”he said.

Speaking about the destabilizing activities of Iran, McCallum, he reported that since 2022, that is, since the death of Mahsa Amini, the service managed to disclose 20 conspiracies organized with the support of Iran.

McCallum noted that since 2017 it was possible to prevent 43 attacks in the UK located in the later stages of planning. Some conspirators, according to him, tried to get firearms and explosives.

“The first 20 years of my career here were filled with terrorist threats. Now state custom -made murders and sabotage were added to them,” he said.

The number of investigations related to the state threat increased by 48 percent, he added.