Head Of Ministry Of Defense Of Belarus Did Not Exclude Possibility Of Creating New OSCE

The Republic of Belarus makes an initiative to develop the Eurasian Charter of diversity and multipolarity in the 21st century. This is what can combine the efforts of all the states of the continent in building a different world order. This was stated by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Lieutenant General Viktor Krenin, speaking at the 11th Beijing Syanshansk Forum, BelTA said.

Khrenin noted that the fundamentally new system of international relations will be characterized by a support on international law, mutual trust and equality, taking into account the national, religious and cultural characteristics of peoples, rejection of interference in the internal affairs of the states to change the chosen development of development, recognition and respect for the diversity practical cooperation mechanisms.

“It is also possible that as a result of joint work we will come to the creation of a new OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), however, in which” E “will no longer mean Europe, but Eurasia,” said Viktor Khrenin. – But I draw attention to the fact that the states of Europe, as an integral part of the Eurasian continent, must participate in these processes. “

“Ultimately, all decisions on ensuring peace and security, the construction of a general future will be able to be made by the actual global majority, and not a closed club of Western countries,” he said.