Head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is something to say Lavrov

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba expressed regret for the lack of contacts with Russian diplomats, and also declared the desire to communicate with the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov.

“I am very sorry, but no (contacts with diplomats – ed.) …. I am absolutely not against him (Lavrov – Ed.) To talk, I have something to say. I’m sure he also has that To say. I believe that as professional people we can talk, “said Kuleba in an interview with Journalist Yevgeny Kiselev, published on his YouTube Channel, answering the question whether he had to have contacts with Russian diplomats, in particular with Lavrov.

He also said that there is a “normal level of dialogue” between the embassies of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. “We send someone, they send someone. They cause our temporary attorney, teach him life. We call, we teach them. The normal level of dialogue for the two countries in a state of armed conflict,” said Kuleba.