Head of Security Council of Armenia accused Russia of “capturing Karabakh and his surrender to Azerbaijan”

Moscow took advantage of the control over Yerevan, “took away the Nagorny Karabakh and returned it to Azerbaijan.”

This is the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia Armen Grigoryan at a briefing.

According to him, due to complete dependence on Russia, the Republic “ended up in the war.”

“This happened when we completely depended on Russia. Russia came, selected Nagorno -Karabakh from us, returned it to Azerbaijan, then left, that’s all reality. I claim that Russia has seized the Nagorno -Karabakh. Without the permission of Russia, the war would not It was, ”said Grigoryan.

According to him, now Armenia is changing his foreign policy in order to stop depending on Russia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the statements of the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia.

“The Secretary of the Council of Security of Armenia” is an “irresponsible and derogatory” attitude to the “historical memory of his nation”, Zakharova said in the fields of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry considered the “irresponsible and derogatory” attitude of Grigoryan to the “historical memory of his nation”, in which “the tragic pages of recent history are so alive.”